The Magic of Minimalism

The Magic of Minimalism


Dear Community Member,

I'm so grateful you're part of The Piebald's community ... and I really hope my new little brand will make a significant impact on your life – from helping you to build your wardrobe and style your home to giving you thoughtful ways to spoil your friends and loved ones. It's all about a considered approach to shopping. Here's why...

In consumer culture where more is always regarded to be better stands the revolutionary movement of minimalism which embraces the notion that, in fact, less is more.

It’s a rather rebellious way to live in a world dominated by materialism. Perhaps this is why minimalism is trendy – the
word itself has become a viral hashtag.

So, what is minimalism?
I recently wrote a research paper on this topic and found 'minimalism' is a complex term that’s evolved over time. In the 1960s, it was used to define an art movement, but a little more than a decade ago, it was adopted to describe a low-consumption lifestyle and a path to a more intentional life.

When people take a considered approach to deciding what they need instead of being persuaded by consumer culture, they tend to be happier and feel their lives are more meaningful.

My experience...
From my years of writing for newspapers and magazines, I have found readers are getting more and more overwhelmed with deciding what to buy. Edition after edition, we showcase all the most desirable products to buy, things to do and places to visit – and all these choices are truly wonderful.

But, more options lead to more decisions ... and it can be rather tough to choose what the so-called best product or experience to buy is when everything claims to be 'the best'.

Often, we end up with a bunch of different pieces that make our lives more complicated. Have you ever looked at your wardrobe and wondered what on earth you should wear as nothing seems to match? Have you ever looked around a room in your home and felt it has a bit of an erratic style? Bet you have!

This is where The Piebald Boutique comes in...
We want to make getting dressed and styling your home easier for you.

We've taken a minimalist approach to curating our Fashion and Decor collections, so all our pieces are black and/or white – and the scales of these colours. Each piece is...
Effortless and
Easy to add into your wardrobe and home.

Our pieces are also timeless and high quality which means you can buy them now, and use them forever.

We're not suggesting that you should fill your wardrobe and home with neutral tones only. Oh no. We're hoping to set you up with core basics – the building blocks – to make getting dressed or styling your home simpler.

Just think ... when you have a wardrobe staple like a black blazer that can be worn with – well, anything – it takes the hassle out of deciding what to wear...
Drape it over a dress, and you've got a glam look.
Pull it on with a pair of jeans or trousers, and you're ready for the office.
Wear it with your activewear and you can pop into the shops without looking too sporty.

One piece: So much versatility.

It's my hope The Piebald will become your go-to resource where you can find the core basics for your wardrobe and home in our Boutique and check out some styling hacks in our Magazine.

So come on, let us make getting dressed easier for you. Let us make styling your home simpler. Let us take the fatigue out of (at least some of your) decision making!

With love,
(Fancy a chat? Pop a line to me on

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