Fun facts about Earl Grey

Things you might not know about Earl Grey

For as long as I can remember, Earl Grey’s been my go-to tea. All my friends and family know this, and over the years, I’ve been spoilt with Earl Grey-flavoured everything, from different tea brands to biscuits baked by a dear friend. I just adore this scent … I find it so fresh, comforting and wonderfully fragrant.

So, when I was designing The Piebald Boutique’s first container candle, there was no question in my mind about the fragrance – it just had to be Earl Grey! Here are a few fun facts I’ve learnt about this scent…


Earl Grey gets its distinctive citrus flavour and fragrance from the oil of bergamot oranges. The oil is extracted from the rinds of the fruit.


The juice of a bergamot orange is said to be more bitter than grapefruit but not as sour as lemon, and while it has the same colouring as a lemon, it’s the size of an orange. It’s thought this fruit was first found in Southeast Asia, and today, many are grown in southern Italy, France and on the Ivory Coast.


Many people drink a cup of Earl Grey or smell its fragrance to relax … and for good reason! Bergamot has a wonderfully restorative effect. In fact, one study I came across found that, when inhaled with water vapour, bergamot essential oil gives psychological and physiological effects in quite a short time. It was seen to improve negative emotions and fatigue in quite a short space of time.

Now you know the benefits…

When you need a mood boost, turn to Earl Grey … be it a cup of tea, a fragrance or The Piebald Boutique’s Earl Grey Scented Candle. When our Boutique opens on Friday, you’ll be able to add our candle to your cart on our website … it’s wonderfully fresh, with notes of bergamot and lemon over a musky base, and it comes in a slick, glossy container with a matt black lid, which means it’ll also be a stylish addition to your home. (I keep mine on my desk so it’s always handy for when I need a pick-me-up on long work days!)

Do you have a go-to scent to boost your mood? I’d love to know. Email … I’d love to chat.

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